Bahaya illuminati

Illuminati telah ditubuhkan pada 1774 di perancis oleh Adam Weishaupt yg merupakan seorg profesor di Universiti Ingoldstald. . perkataan illuminati dinisbahkan kpd salah satu drpd kumpulan (Mazhab) Yahudi iaitu kumpulan illuminati yang dianggotai oleh oleh golongan bijaksana (Hukama’) Yahudi… manakala di dalam Bahasa Arab pula illuminati bermaksud al-Nuraniyin. …

Nama illuminati ini diambil sempena nama Iblis yang pd hemat mereka sebagai pemerintah tunggal alam ini… pusat pentadbirannya ialah di segitiga bermuda yg menjadi tmpt tinggal Dajjal laknatullah. ..Lmbng pertubuhan ini ialah apa yg terdapat pada duit 1 dolar US… lmbang yg ade pada duit US tersebut menunjukkan bahawa US telah dikuasai oleh bangsa Yahudi… sebenarnya, pereka cipta duit US dilakukan oleh seorang anggota freemasonry dari pergerakan illuminati yg bernama Pat Robertson.

Pertubuhan ini tlh mendpt sokongan drpd rotschild yg merupakan gedung kewangan yg dikuasai oleh yahudi… perkataan illuminati pula diambil daripada perkataan “Lucifer” (iblis) yang beerti “Pemegang Cahaya”… beliau membuat helah bhw dunia ini ptot diperintah oleh orang yg benar2 berwibawa sahaja, maka beliau tlh berjaya memujuk lebih kurang dua ribu org untuk menjadi pelaksana kepada agenda yg dirancang olehnya dgn disokong anggota feemasonry peringkat tinggi…. pengikut2 ini mmg berkemahiran dlm semua aspek kehidupan tlh membina markas2 sulit di seluruh dunia yg diberi nama sbgai “Lodges of The Grand Orient” untk melaksanakan apa yg tlh dirancang oleh pihak tertinggi (Freemasonry/ Zionisme)… . .

Berikut merupakn matlamat illuminati scr umumnya yg perlu mereka capai mengikut agenda yg telah dirancang:

1. menghapuskan semua kerajaan2 kebangsaan yg berpelembagaan. ..

2. menghapuskan sistem warisan harta pusaka…

3. menghapuskan pemilikan harta benda sebagai hak persendirian. ..

4. Menghapuskan semangat nasionalisme. ..

5. menghapuskan rumahtangga sebagai hak org perseorangan dan kehidupan berkeluarga krn ia merupakan permulaan kpd ketamadunan manusia…

6. apa yg plg penting ialah menghapuskan semua agama yg sedia ada di dunia terutama agama Islam supaya umat manusia dpt dipaksa menganut ideologi internasionalisme

On A Hiatus

To all of my blog readers hehehe like its so many of them anyway.. i would like to inform you guys that i'll be on a month of hiatus coz i'm having my big exam this year so yeah i'll be back as i promised and hopefully i would renovate this blog thank you :)

Selamat Hari Raya

a Assalamualaikum kepada semua bloggers.. memandangkan raya dah tak lama lagi nii saya nak mengambil kesempatan untuk meminta maaf kepada anda semua sebab dah hampir setahun tak update blog ni.. maklumlah sebok dengan sekolah hehe dan tak lupa juga saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin *gambar yang i upload ni lain lah pulak* :)

QBB Says No Lard In Their Product

QBB Pure Ghee yesterday said that in light of recent media reports regarding QBB Pure Ghee, it irrevocably stated its stand on the matter that its product did not and has never contained lard or any substance of porcine origin. In a statement released yesterday, it said, "We have no doubt whatsoever, that the product concerned is Halal and is fit for consumption by Muslims.

"Our product has been certified Halal by the Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria, which is also recognised by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). Samples of our product have regularly been analysed by independent laboratories to prove its nature and content.

"These analyses, have confirmed that the content of our product is 99.7 per cent butteroil while the remaining amount is made up (of) moisture, peroxide values and class 1 trace amount. In fact, the results of Malaysian Chemistry Department (JKM) analysis also found no traces of lard or any substances of porcine origin.

"It is unfortunate that JAKIM had decided to revoke our Halal certification (SPH), based on the fact that the JKM has not been able to determine a certain substance found in the product, which they labeled as 'foreign substance'.

"Contrary to what has been reported by some media, this substance which presently could not be identified by JKM has not been determined to be 'prohibited for consumption' by Muslims.

"QBB believes this 'unidentified substance' to be one of the natural ingredients, found in milk products, as ghee is derived purely from milk, with no other ingredients added in the process.

"Naturally, there may be a small chance of anti-oxidants like linoleic acid and tocapherols emerging in the product. To enable them to determine the substance with certainty, they have requested for a copy of the certificate of analysis from JAKIM and JKM. Unfortunately, to date, we have yet to receive the said documents.

"The abovementioned certificate of analysis would enable us to determine the exact nature of the alleged 'foreign substance' to clear any doubt that may exist. To this end, we have offered the services of an independent dairy expert to help identify the nature and presence of the 'foreign substance'. However, we have yet to receive any response from JAKIM on this matter."

Advantages of Drinking Green Tea

Green tea has been enjoyed by the Chinese and Japanese cultures for thousands of years, yet it has not been until relatively recently that the rest of the world has discovered the joys of green tea. It is considered to be one of the most popular herbal supplements in the world. Green tea offers many nutritional benefits; such as its ability to help loss weight, lower cholesterol, increase immune function, and improve the cardiovascular system. The reason for green tea being so incredibly beneficial lies in the fact that the green tea leaf is rich in healthy antioxidants called catechin polyphenols.

The most powerful of these catechins is EGCG and it accounts for 10% to 50% of the total catechin content of green tea. The EGCG in green tea is beneficial for the heart and circulatory health and support of the body's natural resistance to cancer of the bladder, breast, colon, esophagus, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin and stomach. It is anywhere from 25 to 100 times more potent than vitamins C and E.

Tea made from tea leaves (as opposed to herbal teas) are very good for you, since they are simply water plus phytochemicals (of which catechin polyphenols are a part of) and caffeine, and very little else, unless of course you add sugar or another substance to it before drinking. Green tea contains about half of the amount of caffeine found in black tea and about a quarter of the amount of caffeine that is found in one regular cup of coffee making it a healthy drink you can consume at just about any time of the day.

Both green and black tea are derived from the same plant, yet black tea is fermented and therefore contains more caffeine, and green tea leaves are not fermented. Green tea leaves are also rich in fluorine and help to prevent dental decay by inhibiting the enzyme that causes plaque formation. Another important factor is that people generally consider green tea to cause less nervousness and anxiety than that of black tea, probably due to the lower levels of caffeine.

Overall, it is not hard to see why green tea is so respected; its plentiful beneficial nutrients and other properties are nothing but positive, and can be beneficial to one's health in more than several ways. This article is just the tip of the iceberg of the many great qualities of green tea. You owe it to yourself to learn more about this tasty and healthy drink

Mouth ulcer's cream

Kepada sesiapa yang ada mouth ulcer saya faham bagaimana rasa anda bila hendak makan rasa pedih yang teramat lah pedih kerana saya pun baru--baru ni mengalaminya.. ini adalah bonjela cream untuk mouth ulcer, usapkan je ke tempat bibir atau gum mulut yang terkena ulcer tu.. tapi awal-awal memanh la rasa pedih sangat tapi after tu okay laa rasanya bila nak makan heee selamat mencuba

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa

saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menunaikan rukun islam yang ketiga iaitu ibadah berpuasa kepada seluruh umat islam di serata dunia semoga ramadhan kali ini penuh bermakna amin

My new music stands

This is my new music stands given by my school. i like it so much it is made from china

Difference between Euphonium and Baritone

Baritone{Top} Euphonium{Down} You can see they are much alike but Baritone had only 3 valves while euphonium had 4 valves. Baritone is different than any other instrument on the planet that might attract such a name, and they had a family that was bigger. So, they needed a name for it. Someone sees an advertisement for a tenor tuba with a maker's model name, the Euphonium just to avoid confusion. Consequently, tenor tubas in the U.S. used the term they always used, which is "baritone". All the old music is marked thus. The typical American baritone differs from an English euphonium in no more ways than a typical American tuba might differ from a British or German tuba. So, with all due respect to experts like Dr. Werden, saying a euphonium has a large bore and an (American) baritone a small bore, and they are therefore different instruments, is like saying an American tuba, which its wide taper, is more or less a tuba than a British tuba, with its narrower taper.

Oleh kerana baru baru ani mataku bangkak so ani tips untuk siapa yang matanya bangkak ok... now first ambil teh bunga dan rebus sampai berbuih then tambah sedikit gula untuk di buat minuman.Insyaallah dalam masa 2 hari merah dan bangkak di mata capat baik. *tips ani ku ambil dari


Sorry for the late update coz masa ne mata ku bangkak since last 4 days so yesterday i went to the clinic and kana bagi ubat cream and antibiotics and cuti for 2 dyas hehehe horray. thats all then.

Tentang Birthday

Dr Qardhawi menggesa umat Islam meninggalkan amalan ini kerana ia tidak significant kerana peningkatan umur bukanlah suatu yg ganjil dan luarbiasa atau suatu achievement yg sukar diperolehi. Lebih dari 6 bilion umat manusia meningkat umurnya saban tahun dan ia bukanlah suatu yg perlu disambut kerana peningkatan umur ini terlalu rutin dan proses tabi’iy saban tahun sahaja.
Lazimnya kita membuat kenduri atau sambutan kesyukuran bila kita dapat mencapai sesuatu kejayaan yg jarang2 dicapai oleh orang lain. Wallahu a’alam

Bersihkan tangan bagi mencegah jangkitan H1N1!!

  1. Ratakan sabun ke telapak tangan
  2. Gosok secara menyeluruh sehingga ia berbuih.
  3. Sental di antara celah jejari kerana kawasan ini dikenali sebagai ‘tempat paling digemari’ oleh kuman
  4. Sental setiap jari pada tapak tangan sehingga ia bersih
  5. Gosok belakang tangan dan juga pergelangan tangan anda.
  6. khir sekali, bilas secara rata dengan air bersih dan keringkan dengan kain bersih atau tisu.

To All Muslim Please Read This!!!!

Notis ini patut diberi perhatian dan diberitahu kepada semua muslim


K-Box at the mall is very enjoying hehehe! this is a picture of me and my cousin in the k-box

American Fried Rice!!

wuhuuu nyaman eyyy ane time lepak di my nest cafe!!

Baby Mabuk

whoaaaa! this couple of babies are sleeping after drinking beers hahahah!! pecaya ke tak? wawawa lantak korang lahh

Baju Balloon

Lawa kan baju nya?? mun pacah tuuuuu esh esh eshh budak budak tak leh tengok hahaha


DPMM FC needed a heroic saves of Wardun in goal during a tensed penalty shoot-out and Dogg Yi will be relieved that his teammates saved him from being the scapegoat for missing his weak penalty. Komar was outstanding in defence and he scored the goal of the night.These guys deserved a warm reception after a two weeks of hard work.Congratulations to DPMM FC once again for being the CHAMPIONS of S-League!!!!!!