Damam kuuuuu

Fuhhh kelmarin aku damam... ampai ampai ganya atas katil huhuhu malas ku belatih tuk national day ari ne lalah ku haha thats all just a quick update

Hujan lebat punca jalan raya sesak

Kejadian hujan yang turun hampir setiap hari mengakibatkan kesesakan lalu lintas di Seria dan Belait. Kejadian hujan juga menyebabkan tanah runtuh dan sekali gus menyekat kelancaran laluan Jalan Sungai Liang. Mereka yang datang dari Belait untuk menghantar anak pergi ke sekolah di kawasan Seria ataupun Lumut turut mengalami kelewatan sampai ke sekolah pada waktu biasa gara-gara terkandas dalam kesesakan. Penduduk di kawasan ini berpendapat sudah tiba masanya lampu isyarat dibina di kawasan-kawasan terlibat seperti di Lorong Tiga Selatan demi memastikan perjalanan yang lancar. Hujan turun berlaku pada sebelah malam dan berterusan sehingga awal pagi sejak kebelakangan ini menjejaskan persekitaran dan malah menenggelamkan beberapa sekolah, rumah persendirian dan jalan raya.

Penawar Cirit Birit

1. Petik pucuk buah jambu batu. 2. Kemudian, kunyah pucuk itu hingga lumut dan terus telan. 3. Insyallah akan baik dari cirit birit

Happy Birthday

I would like to wish my brother a Happy Birthday for reaching the age of 19 on the 13th january that is two days ago hehe.. and as usual here's the picture of the occasion at Arthini Cafe...

About my Instrument

The euphonium is a conical-bore, tenor-voiced brass instrument. It derives its name from the Greek word euphonos, meaning "beautiful-sounding" or "sweet-voiced" (eu means "well" or "good" and phonium means "voice"). The euphonium is a valved instrument; nearly all current models are piston valved, though rotary valved models do exist. A person who plays euphonium is sometimes called a euphophonist, euphoniumist or a euphonist, while British players often colloquially refer to themselves as euphists. Similarly, the instrument itself is sometimes referred to as eupho or euph.

New Year AT Empire

cana? encem?? hahaha this is me at empire beach

Happy New Year

I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and sorry for being so late and here is a picture of a fireworks while i was at the empire hotel